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Youth & Family Services

1031 Pierce St, PO Box 337 , Sandusky, OH 44871
Please contact us to arrange services.
Please contact us to arrange services.
Anthony's Villa is driven by a mission to create a brighter future for everyone, focusing especially on children and families within the foster care and adoption systems. We achieve this by delivering a comprehensive array of services that include therapeutic counseling, intensive home-based treatments, and innovative school-based programs, ensuring that each child receives personalized care and support.
125 E Adams St, Sandusky, OH 44870
At Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Ohio, we are committed to changing lives. We offer kids positive activities, adult mentors and new opportunities. Youth can improve their academic skills, play basketball with friends, prepare for college or the workforce and contribute to their communities.
2112 Cleveland Road, Sandusky, OH 44870
At Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Ohio, we are committed to changing lives. We offer kids positive activities, adult mentors and new opportunities. Youth can improve their academic skills, play basketball with friends, prepare for college or the workforce and contribute to their communities.
Child Care Access Means Parents in Schools program is a federal grant that provides low-income BGSU students who are parents with financial assistance for child care.
Families affected by substance/alcohol use disorder who have an active Children Services (JFS) case. Referrals can be completed by clicking the confidential contact form located in website address link above or families can call directly with interest.
Designed to strengthen families who may be struggling with addiction concerns. The group is highly interactive and will focus on education about addictions, family relationships, communication, healthy living skills, as well as having fun! The group will meet for 16 weeks which includes a dinner meal, a group for parents, children, and then a combined parent/child group for a total of 2.5 hours each week.
24/7 reporting hotline
Information reported in the electronic form available in the link above is protected by law; however, it allows us to reach out to you for additional information as necessary.
*Please do not hesitate to report if you do not have all the information. Any uncertainty you have regarding whether to report should be resolved in favor of the child’s protection.
5350 Oberlin Ave., Lorain, OH 44053
M-F 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
The Child Care Resource Center is a child care resource and referral agency for Lorain, Erie, Huron, Sandusky and Seneca counties in North Central Ohio. The Child Care Resource Center is a private non-profit agency that is part of the statewide system of child care resource and referral funded by the Ohio Department of Jobs & Family Services and other federal and local funders.
904 W Washington St, Sandusky, OH 44870
The One-to-One Youth Mentoring program provides children ages 6-18 in our community with an adult mentor. Adult mentors and child mentees are "matched" and asked to spend at least 4 hours a month together building a healthy relationship. Activities can include playing sports together, going on a hike, reading books, building crafts, eating pizza with extra cheese, or just talking and giving some advice and inspiration.
420 Superior Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
(419) 626-5623 5113
Must be at least 32 weeks pregnant and an Erie County resident. If you are eligible for WIC, SNAP, Medicaid, or do not have a safe sleep environment for your child. Participation in an educational meeting is a requirement to receive a free portable crib and sheet set.
Assisting parents/guardians with providing a safe sleep environment for children. Provides cribs, safe sleep education, and additional items.
No income requirements. Open to all Ohio children, birth to 5 years old.
Book gifting program encouraging the love of reading and early childhood literacy. This program is financially sponsored by The Kiwanis Club of Sandusky in partnership with the City of Sandusky and Erie County Commissioners. If you are interested in signing up, please use the website listed above. If you are an existing participant and need to change your address, please log-in to the website or call the Sandusky Library at 419-625-3834 for updates.
Listings for all centers registered in Erie County.
2900 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, OH 44870
Ages 0-25
Erie County Family and Children First Council (FCFC) provides Service Coordination and Wrapround for children and youth with multiple intense needs. FCFC also provides group mentoring, SUN Club respite program, and parenting support groups. Council meetings are held quarterly.
1111 Hayes Ave, Sandusky, OH 44870
The Firelands Center for Women & Newborns provides women of all ages with the highest-quality female-focused care possible, from prenatal and child birth care to recovery from gynecological and other surgeries unique to women, in a new state-of-the-art healing environment.
multiple locations, Sandusky, OH 44870
901 Northwest Street, Bellevue, OH 44811
We are flexible to meet your needs! Full day, ½ day, before and/or after school. We accept floating schedules and pre-registered drop-ins. Parents are asked to sign contracts that lock in which days and times are needed. Tuition is expected one week in advance. Call 419-483-4885 for prices. Child Care assistance is available through Sandusky, Seneca, Huron or Erie County Department of Job and Family Services.
221 West Parish Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
Foster parents provide a loving, secure, caring, and safe place for children to live. Children do best when they can stay in their own school, keep their friends, and see birth parents often, and priority is placed on neighborhoods and schools. Foster parents are part of a team including the child’s therapists, juvenile court, and additional resources working with the children and birth family.
Toledo, OH 43606
CME Referral Hotline: 8AM - 7PM.
Call 419-352-6033
Online Referrals
Harbor provides Care Coordination for youth ages 0-21 with significant mental and behavioral health needs.
3423 Columbus Ave, Sandusky, OH 44870
info: to offer services to help families during crisis and non-crisis pregnancies and beyond.
4405 Galloway Rd, Sandusky, OH 44870
Help Me Grow offers two early childhood programs for families with children age birth-three, home visiting and early intervention.
221 W Parish St., Sandusky, OH 440870
Publically Funded Daycare is available to assist eligible clients with daycare costs for a qualifying activity. The initial income guideline is the 130% federal poverty level.
416 Braeburn Ct., Amherst, OH 44001
By Appointment. - Please call or submit a request online via Journey's website.
Journeys to Success Speech Services is located in Amherst, Ohio and serves clients in Lorain County, Cuyahoga County, Erie County and the Greater Cleveland areas.
Serving a pediatric clientele, Journeys to Success Speech Services is a residential practice that exists to remove barriers and facilitate communication in the areas of both speech and language. Currently, Journeys to Success Speech Services is a private pay facility that does not bill insurance directly. We can provide a receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement as an out-of-network provider. Recommend inquiring into HSA/FSA account reimbursement as well. If you plan to submit for reimbursement, it is advised that you contact your insurance company directly to ensure you have an understanding of their policies and procedures.
Cindy Anthony, M.A. CCC-SLP, is a seasoned Speech Language Pathologist with years of experience working with children with many different abilities and needs. Her experience began with working in school systems, where she had the opportunity to treat a variety of student needs in speech and language, including children with Autism and Down Syndrome, giving her solid experience with a variety of treatment methods.
1614 Sherman Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
You can use this website to find locations of the "Little Free Libraries" near you.
12306 State Route 113, Milan, OH 44826
225 William Street, Huron, OH 44839
Little Wonders Presbyterian Preschool provides a nurturing Christian environment where children can learn to socialize with peers and other adults, and to develop age appropriate basic skills
12306 State Route 13, Milan, OH
6 AM - 6 PM. Monday - Friday.
Child Development Center and Preschool serving ages 6 weeks - 5 years.
Please contact us to see if we can help accommodate your childcare needs.
We follow a play-based curriculum that focuses on social-emotional development, language and literacy, cognitive development, and physical development. In addition, we have added Biblical instruction and principles into our learning environments.
1320 E Strub Rd, Sandusky, OH 44870
6 AM - 6 PM. Monday - Friday.
We provide a safe nurturing environment that enhances the growth and development of children.
Please contact us to see if we can help accommodate your childcare needs.
We follow a play-based curriculum that focuses on social-emotional development, language and literacy, cognitive development, and physical development. In addition, we have added Biblical instruction and principles into our learning environments.
2900 Columbus Avenue, 2nd Floor, Sandusky, OH 44870
Support groups are held the 3rd Thursday of every month @6 pm. Meetings are held at the Sandusky Artisans Recovery Community Center located at 138 E Market Street Sandusky, Ohio.
NAMI is a grassroots mental health organization focused on educating families and reducing stigma. NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.
1215 Campbell Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
Nehemiah Partners was established as a non-profit in 2007 by a handful of local churches. The vision was to provide a safe, bully-free place for Sandusky children.
A faith-based non-profit, Nehemiah Partners offers age-appropriate activities, mentoring, and guidance aimed at spiritual, physical, and relational well being to the kids of Sandusky.
420 Superior Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
(419) 626-5623 5113
WIC guidelines for income eligibility, but does not need to be enrolled in WIC. Call for more information.
Free car seats provided to qualifying parents/guardians after attending a mandatory educational car seat training to ensure proper installation knowledge and usage.
770 Killbourne Street, Bellevue, OH 44811
419-625-7951 ext. 6141
Alert Device for elderly and children who have wandered away from home and for those whom family have safety concerns.
247 Columbus Avenue, Suite 37, Sandusky, OH 44870
Project Strength is a grant funded initiative through the Erie County Public Defender’s Office. The goal of the program is to reduce the number of out-of-home placements for children resulting from child dependency/neglect cases and truancy issues. The goal of the program is to connect families and children to resources sooner, including legal assistance, to increase the chances of positive outcomes.
114 W Adams Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
Monday: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Thursday: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
114 W Adams Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
Weekdays from 4:00 pm -4:45 pm
Purple Line (view map)
Central & Adams (BOE)
Afternoon snacks provided for school age children as a part of the Children's Hunger Alliance. Please stop in between 4pm and 4:45 pm, weekdays.
1209 West Jefferson Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
428 Killbourne Street, Bellevue, OH 44811
6AM - 6PM, Monday thru Friday
St. Paul's Day Care is available to the community for infants of six weeks to children of 10 years of age
430 Main Street, Huron, OH 44839
The mission of St. Vincent De Paul Society of Huron is to assist with emergency financial needs. Please use the contact form at the website above to request assistance.
3924 Perkins Ave, Located in Osborne Park, Huron, OH 44839
contact for arrangements.
Providing for supervised visitation and exchanges in Erie County
and the surrounding areas
420 Superior Street, Sandusky, OH 44870
(419) 626-5623 5137
Provides individualized nutrition education, electronic benefit cards to purchase nutritious foods from the grocery store, breastfeeding education and support, and/or manual or electric breast pumps for those who qualify,
1230 Beachview Drive, Vermilion, OH 44089