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Food is Medicine: Family Health Services
Share Food is Medicine: Family Health Services Information

1912 Hayes Ave, Sandusky, OH 44870


18 years or older with any of the following chronic health conditions: diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, BMI > 30, chronic kidney disease, COPD, fatty liver, etc.
See a primary care physician at Family Health Services (or looking to establish care with one of our primary care physicians)
Answer yes to one or both of the following questions:
• 1: within the last 12 months, have you been worried about your food running out before you received money to buy more?
• 2: within the last 12 months, did the food you buy not last, and you didn’t have money to buy more?

Using food for prevention and treatment of disease is an idea that has been around for many years. New information comes out every day showing that a healthy diet can help people achieve and maintain good health. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to purchase healthy foods with today’s increasing grocery prices. Not only can it be expensive, it can also be difficult to know what type of foods to eat and how to prepare them. … (more)

Using food for prevention and treatment of disease is an idea that has been around for many years. New information comes out every day showing that a healthy diet can help people achieve and maintain good health. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to purchase healthy foods with today’s increasing grocery prices. Not only can it be expensive, it can also be difficult to know what type of foods to eat and how to prepare them. 

Food is medicine at Family Health Services is a 12-month program; participants receive 2 boxes of fresh produce each month and work with a dietitian and their primary care providers to address any health conditions where food is part of the management.